Monday, December 10, 2007


I don't think that Fascism will ever work on a large scale for one simple reason. People are Greedy! Everyone is looking out for themselves and on a large scale there are very few people who would make life choices to better the rest of the country if it would in turn make things more difficult on themselves.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Fascism is the idea that state should come before personal, individual interests. It promotes a strong national unity through common ethnicity, religion, race, culture, or other similar ideas.

Mussolini was the leader of a fascist government in Italy. But since the fall of the Axis powers there really haven't been many self proclaimed Fascist governemnts.

I do not feel that Fascism could ever work in America. We are the melting pot of the world so there is no way that everyone living here could agree on religion or have the same race or ethnicity. Actually the reason our country was started was so that we could all be different.

If any type of Fascist government had a chance at surviving in America it would have to be on a very small or local level. Perhaps on one of the Native American Reservations or to a limited extent on a military base. But even these are not likely as they have ranks that people attain through service or hard work so the people may become interested in self-advancement over the group as a whole.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Compare and Contrast: Democracy and Communism

Democracy and Communism are both types of governments found in the world today. Both of these types of governments have been around for a while and can be found today. Both of these types of governments have had success, and both have in some instances failed.

So if these two types of governments have so much in common, what makes them different?

In communism, you have a government that promotes CLASSLESSNESS. this means everyone is even. Everyone shares in the ownership of the means of production. everyone is equal! This might sound good, but in many cases it is a very bad thing. No one has a reason to work harder to achieve more because even if they do more they are not going to get ahead of anyone else who is doing the minimum. There is no room for elevating your status.

Democracy on the other hand is a government that is "CONTROLLED BY THE PEOPLE" rather than communism's government that "CONTROLS THE PEOPLE." There is much room for improvement in the lives of citizens in democratic governments. There is no classlessness so everyone is urged to achieve their highest standard of living. Someone who puts in an extra effort can get ahead.

Communism and Marxism

Communism is based on some of the same ideas presented in Marxism. Marxists feel that the work force is what makes the country go forward, or if they have a weak work force this can be what causes a country to fail on many levels.

Communist governments take control of all aspects of the workforce. They regulate who gets jobs, how much jobs pay, and leave little power to the work force whatsoever.

I think that leaders in Communist Governments feel that they are for the most part very intelligent and that they know what it takes to be powerful or successful. Unfortunately for those very same leaders they will never find a workforce who is willing to work their butts off to make the economy better. The workers have no motivation to do better because they don't really have anything to work towards. Whether or not they are the best at their jobs or not it is not going to matter because the government is going to force them to keep doing what they are doing and pay them the same anyway.

I feel this is a big reason why Communism won't ever work on a very large scale. It may work on very small scales where the people being governed are not very intelligent and need government assistance to get by. But in a Large scale it can't work because the people will defy the government in hopes to position themselves for bigger and better things. The government will likely try to put these people down. If they fail, the Communist government falls, but even if they succeed to stop these people from working for their own betterment it is most likely going to be done by jailing or killing them. This means they are losing their very best workers in certain fields.

One interesting side note that I thought was neat. The term "Marxism" is named after Karl Marx, however Karl Marx himself claims that he is NOT a Marxist.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

why democracy

Democracy is a form of government that is supposed to represent the voice of the majority of our people who are being governed by it. In a democracy we elect the people who we relate to the best, but although we share some views with a candidate on one part of government we may be in total opposition in other areas of government. There are a few things that could be changed, in my mind, to make our democracy work better. In Australia it is a law that everyone takes part in their elections. Here in the U.S. it is not law and there have been times when upwards to half of the U.S. Citizens did not vote. how is it possible for our government to give us what we really want when the people who really want it don't voice their concerns or opinions? Candidates could be held more responsible for their actions or lack their of for that matter such as is done in Canada. I think that we should be able to do this. After looking at the views of some of the presidential candidates in our upcoming election in 2008 I can see where some of the candidates could really help our government turn into a more fair, just government, but at the same time those same candidates stand for many other things which I do not agree with. I guess that there is no way to make the government perfect because no body is perfect and the entire government is made up of people and their views, opinions, and wants. No two people will feel the same way about all the same things.


Democracies have many great characteristics that may seem very desirable by people looking for a government to rule them. This could be the reason why it was first invented, but the early democracies are much different from what we have now. There are also many different types of democracies and none of them can be considered "Right" or "Wrong" because they all have good aas well as bad characteristics. One thing wrong with the Democracy that we take part in is that only a select few have any input on what goes on in our countries. sure we get to vote for these people but we vote for the ones who we feel we can relate to the best on the most subjects, but there are always going to be things we disagree about with them. Another thing that seems corrupt to me is that we may select our leaders through a vote, but then our leaders appoint others, often friends or acquaintences, to other positions of power even though we never got a chance to have our input on who should have those roles. You don't have to be the best person for the job, as long as you know who the person who appoints the job might be!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

12 o'clock high

In this movie there were 2 seperate commanders for the bomb squad. The first commander really showed love and compassion for his bombers. He did this by going to his commanding officer and trying to fight for a few days off and some rest because they'd been working really hard. The second commander tried to instill fear into his men. He worked them very hard and his men did not want to follow him even though for a while they were having more success than ever before. In the end though love showed that it was more powerful than fear because the second commander began to love his squadron.

Fear Vs. Love

Fear and Love have some things in common, but there are also many differences. Both fear and love may persuade you to do something for someone else. If you fear that person you might be afraid of the consequences for NOT doing something for that person. If you really do love that person you would feel compelled to do things for them because it would make them feel good or because they want to show compassion for that person. Also if you are loved you feel confident that the people who love you would be willing to help you. If you are feared you may have to live in fear yourself that the people who fear you would want to disassociate themselves from you.

Vice and Virtue

Virtues are very important for everyone to have. On the other hand Vices are something that people should try very hard not to have. This really is not an easy task for anyone. A prince, or leader should have a lot of virtues. He most likely will have some vices as well, but if this is the case, then, in my opinion, they should only be used for the betterment of his people that he rules over.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I have always been pretty fascinated by government, but have never really thought about whether I am a Democrat or Republican. I think that both sides often have great ideas, and that half the time they just say what they think you want to hear to get a vote and then once elected do whatever they want anyway.