Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Fascism is the idea that state should come before personal, individual interests. It promotes a strong national unity through common ethnicity, religion, race, culture, or other similar ideas.

Mussolini was the leader of a fascist government in Italy. But since the fall of the Axis powers there really haven't been many self proclaimed Fascist governemnts.

I do not feel that Fascism could ever work in America. We are the melting pot of the world so there is no way that everyone living here could agree on religion or have the same race or ethnicity. Actually the reason our country was started was so that we could all be different.

If any type of Fascist government had a chance at surviving in America it would have to be on a very small or local level. Perhaps on one of the Native American Reservations or to a limited extent on a military base. But even these are not likely as they have ranks that people attain through service or hard work so the people may become interested in self-advancement over the group as a whole.

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